On December 30, 2024, Dr. Meng Fangyou, Vice Dean of Linhua AdvancedResearch Institute of Qiannan Normal University, and other expert teachersvisited Dongfeng Antimony Industry for a technical exchange meeting. Thegeneral manager of Dongfeng Antimony Industry, Qin Shidun, the director ofhuman resources and administration, Peng Xiaoying, and relevant technicalleaders of the enterprise participated in the technical exchange meeting.

At the meeting, representatives from enterprises and universities gavedetailed introductions on their respective technological advantages, researchresults, and cooperation needs. The enterprise highlighted the technicaldifficulties and needs encountered in production practice, hoping to maketechnological breakthroughs with the help of the scientific research strengthof universities. Universities have shared the latest scientific researchachievements and technological innovation directions, providing new ideas andsolutions for enterprises.

The two sides discussed technology cooperation, talent cultivation, andachievement transformation, and formed a preliminary intention for cooperation.

This technical exchange meeting has provided a good communicationplatform for universities and enterprises, enhancing mutual understanding andtrust. Both sides expressed that they will take this exchange as an opportunityto further deepen cooperation and accelerate the promotion of technologicalinnovation and industrial upgrading.
東莞杰夫 三氧化二銻